Become an Affiliate

Enough ripples change the entire pond and we always appreciate it when someone goes out of their way to mention Dualistic Unity, repost one of our social media video’s, or share a clip from podcast. It helps grow the discussion and will inevitably help encourage the state of clarity that DU is all about.

And now we have a way to thank you.

Although our podcast and the insights we share via social media and Discord are always free, many of our listeners enjoy exploring certain topics in greater depth and often decide to purchase our video workshops as well.

By joining our affiliate program, we can share the sale of those workshops with you!

  • Tier 1 Rewards: you earn 50% of each sale.
  • Tier 2 Rewards: And if anyone you refer becomes an affiliate member themselves, you earn an additional 20% of each of their sales.
  • Tier 3 Rewards: Another 5%.

Example: Our workshop bundle (best value) is currently available for $100.

  • You would earn $50 from each sale
  • $20 from each bundle sold by an affiliate that you refer
  • and $5 for each bundle sold by an affiliate that they refer.

How does it work?

Once you’ve registered and verified your email address, you’ll be issued a referral url that you can use to send people to the website with. From the homepage they can visit the podcast or our Youtube Channel, listen to numerous episodes, becoming a new member of the community…and if they come back to the site within 1 year and buy a workshop, you get the commission!

All you have to do is introduce them to the show with your link. The discussion itself will do the rest.

For more tips on Affiliate Strategies, click here. 
